Congratulations to a Harvey County Business!

On June 7, 2017, Anderson’s Book & Office Supply will celebrate 125 years on Newton’s Main street and five generations of a family business. Below are photos from HCHM’s collection.  Congratulations to the family as they celebrate this milestone.

Anderson Book Store, 422 Main, Newton, pre-1938.

Products and Services available at Anderson’s pre-1938.


Interior of Anderson China Store, 424 N. Main, ca. 1915.

Anderson advertising the RCA Radiola using a parade float in 1921.

P.M. Anderson’s RCA Radiola Float, ca. 1921.

Anderson Book Store 627 N. Main. Janet Gray Anderson, Daisy Will, Faye Thimm, and Phil E. Anderson, 1953.

Anderson’s moved to 627 Main, Newton in 1938 in an effort to be more convenient for NHS teachers and students.

Entrance to the store at 627 Main, Newton.

Before Anderson’s moved into the building at 627 Main, several other businesses had occupied the space.   Golden Rule Store, also known as  J.C. Penney’s, was the first one in Kansas.

Anderson’s today.


  • “Anderson Book & Office Supply 1892-1992,” booklet compiled by Phil, Jan, & Murray Anderson, and Rebecca Megli, 1992.

‘Dearest Jimmy:’ DeLaine Davis’ Memory Book

by Kristine Schmucker, HCHM Curator

Looking through memory or scrapbooks is a fun way to to explore history.  At HCHM we have several memory books that were created by young ladies to remember their high school years. Pages from DeLaine Davis Ferguson’s book are shared below.

DeLaine Davis was born October 30, 1911 in Walton, Ks.  Her parents were Charles and Lillian Davis, she was the youngest of 5 children.

DeLaine Davis’ High School Scrapbook, 1929-1930. HCHM 2005.25.1

She attended Walton High School from 1928 to 1930.

Walton High School, 1930. Davis’ Scrapbook.


Nadine Hicks was a close friend.

DeLaine Davis (lt) and Nadine Hicks (rt)


She was on the WHS Women’s Basketball  Team all three years.

Sports page.

Coach Dunham led the team in 1928.

Coach Dunham, 1928.

Helen ‘Okie’ Okerberg was the coach in 1929. In both photos she is wearing a sweater with the”S.”

WHS Women’s Basketball Team, 1929.

James Nicholson was the coach for the 1930 season.

DeLaine lettered in basketball all 3 years, and she was the team captain for 2 years.

Athletic Letter Basketball

Music and Academics

She also lettered in academics and music.

Music & Academics

Activities and Fun

“Dearest Jimmy”

Pages with notes from friends.  Her nickname was “Jimmy.”

Nadine’s page.


DeLaine graduated from Walton High in 1930.


DeLaine married Bennett W. Ferguson.  Her obituary states that she was a retired restaurant owner. She died in Wichita on September 3, 1991.


  • The Girl Graduate’s Journal” DeLainie Davis Ferguson, 1928-1931, HCHM 2005.25.
  • Newton Kansan 5 September 1991.


“The Storm King Visits:” Newton’s First Tornado

by Kristine Schmucker, HCHM Curator

Thursday, March 1, 1888, started out like any other weekday.  Later, people recalled that

 “there was a calmness that seemed to pervade the atmosphere. There appeared to be no movement in the air whatever and the people moving about were conscious of an oppressed feeling.  It was very close and a strange quiet settled over the city.”

“A Grand Sight, but Awful”

At 4:30, “a dark, murky looking cloud” could be seen “banked high up against the horizon”  in the west.

 “People were impressed with the strange appearance of the cloud and with the sky overhead.  Some who had been in regions regularly visited by the dreaded cyclone instinctively felt that all was not right and watched with trepidation the approaching storm.” 

At “three minutes to five the huge cloud, which now seemed  to be a turbulent mass of smoke, dust and steam came slowly toward the city . . .”

Newton Daily Republican, 2 March 1888.

“Almost at the same instant, a cold wave came from the north and then followed a terrific hail storm, with drenching rains.”

After the storm, there were reports that a “cyclone had struck the city at the carriage factory.” People quickly went and discovered the “roof of the north wing of the immense building had been stripped off . . “

“No Hope of Recovery”

In the midst of property damage,  the first two recorded tornado related fatalities in Harvey County were discovered.

“There, under the heavy roofing was found the lifeless form of William J. Lacey, foreman of the trimming department.  A hundred men lent willing hands, lifted the timbers and roofing off of the remains of the unfortunate man.”

Thirty-seven year old Lacey was  well-liked, “regarded as an honest, upright and perfectly trustworthy young man.”  His brother, Frank, arrived a few days later to return the body to Galena, Ill for burial.

The destruction continued southeast of the factory in what was known as “Walt’s Addition.”  Six homes had been destroyed by the fury of the “wind monster.” In the rubble, another tragedy.

“In the ruins of J.P. Amidon’s house . . . a heart-rending scene met the eye. Miss Annis Hobble was found insensible underneath the rubbish, with her teeth set as in death.”

The unconscious Miss Hobble was rushed to Axtell Hospital where there was “no hope for recovery.”  She never regained consciousness. Sixteen year old Annis Hobble died of her injuries on March 8, 1888.

Annis F. Hobble, Greenwood Cemetery, Newton, Ks.

“Inability to Predict”

Unlike today, when forecasters can give  reasonable warnings, the 1888 storm  caught everyone off guard and demonstrated “the utter inability of man to predict such.”  Indeed, the forecast by the weather bureau for March 1, 1888 called for the “probability of light snow followed by colder weather.”

The newspaper reports also suggest that this was the first tornado to strike the city of Newton. The headline for the March 2, 1888 edition of the Newton Daily Republican read;

Newton for the First Time Visited by the Storm King.”

The Kansan also noted that the tornado on March 1 was “Newton’s first Experience with the Storm King.”

A storm in early  March was also a surprise. The reporter concluded;

“The appearance of a cyclone storm in Kansas in March is, we believe, without a parallel.” 


  • Newton Daily Republican; 2 March 1888, 6 March 1888.
  • The Kansan: 8 March 1888 15 March 1888.
  • U.S. Census: 1880, 1900.
  • Correspondence with Dean Hess January 2014.  HCHM Curator’s Files.