The Gentleman Who Built a Locomobile: L. P. Lestser

by Kristine Schmucker, Archivist/Curator

“Other Kansas towns may be able to boast more stylish and up to date appearing automobiles, but Newton is certainly entitled to the distinction of being the only town in the state having an automobile made within it borders by one of its citizens.”

At the beginning of the 20th century, the newest thing was the automobile. Before Ford and his Model T assembly line, there were many other inventors experimenting with creating an automobile using steam and electricity for power. One such inventor was L.P. Lester, proprietor of the Newton Machine Shop, on E. 6th in Newton.

Evening Kansan Republican, 16 June 1899.

Made In Newton

For over a year Lester worked on “fitting up a wagon which could be propelled by motive power furnished within itself.” He planned and constructed the vehicle from start to finish.

“In appearance the vehicle greatly resembles Welsh’s new camp wagon. It is sixteen feet long and six feet wide. The machinery and boiler occupy the rear end, leaving about eight feet in the clear in front.  This space will be fitted up with chairs and benches and will form the living place of the occupants.  Under the floor are two large steel chests, one for coal supply and the other for the water. Mr. Lester estimates that the coal bin is large enough to carry two days’ supply of that fuel. The weight of the entire outfit is about 2,500 pounds.” 

To test out his invention Lester, his wife and three boys planned a trip to Wall Walla Washington in the new automobile. Their route followed what was known as “the old Cheyenne route where the grades are not steep” through Nebraska and Wyoming. He expected to average about ten mile an hour with a goal of getting to Walla Walla at the end of summer. (Evening Kansan Republican, 11 May 1902)

Before going on the trip, Lester demonstrated his new locomobile in neighboring communities.

The Moundridge Journal commented, “Mr. Lester who gives the moving picture entertainment at the opera houses tomorrow evening . . . is the gentleman who built a locomobile. . . . He will have his locomobile in the street parade.”

The Lester’s locomobile was described as “similar to a cook shack and is 6×15 and weighs about 3,000. He and his family can all ride in it and also carry everything they want. They live in a tent at places where they stop and are going throughout the country taking their time to it. The locomobile is run by two engines which are fed by coal and gasoline. He travels about four or five miles an hour, but can run it at a speed of fifteen miles an hour which it too fast for roads in the part of the country.”

Lester made money along the way by showing “moving picture shows” and other photographic work.

“Undoubtedly the First Automobile Race in Kansas”

He also participated in a thrilling race in Moundridge. One of the attractions at the 4th of July in Moundridge was the automobile race. Both vehicles entered in the race were “genuine ‘autos’ made in Kansas.”  One auto was made by Charles Krehbiel for a Moundridge businessman, F. C. Thomas. The other was “the famous vehicle made by L.P. Lester.” Moundridge claimed that “his is undoubtedly the first automobile race that has ever taken place in the state.”

The editor of the Evening Newton Kansas observed that “Moundridge is all puffed up over the distinction it has gained.” He also reported that the “merits of the two machines are discussed just as if they were races horses.”

It is unclear if the race took place or that it was actually the first such race in Kansas. Coffey County had auto races as early as 1903.

L.P. Lester came to Newton in 1889 where he ran his machine shop. After his grand trip to Walla Walla, he moved to Nebraska where he continued his career as an engineer.  He died in Fort Madison, Iowa, Dec 30, 1910.

The Locomobile

In 1899, inventors became interested in steam powered vehicles resulting in the Locomobile.    A knowledge of pressure valves was a requirement to operate making them less user friendly. There was also a chance of kerosene fire. Still, between 1899 and 1902, locomobiles were the latest technology and became popular.

Locomobile, 1901.


  • Evening Kansan Republican: 4 July 1901, 10 July 1901, 15 September 1902, 14 January 1911.

What does the name “Topeka” mean? Where does the name come from?

Kansas Day is coming up! Some fun trivia for everyone to enjoy in the weeks leading up to January 29.

What does the name “Topeka” mean? Where does the name come from?

Topeka gets its name from the Osage word meaning – a good place to dig potatoes.

Aerial view of Topeka, 1869

The Hardest Fought Criminal Case

by Kristine Schmucker, HCHM Curator

“The case will come up for trial next month and will undoubtedly excite more interest than any other criminal case in Harvey County in several years.”

In the spring of 1902, people in Harvey County eagerly followed the case of a near fatal shooting that involved two young men in Harvey County, John Moulds and Taylor Gillespie. Even though they were neighbors, the animosity toward each other was well known. Once the case went to trial, the case also pitted two well-known Newton attorneys against each other, Charles Bucher of Branine & Branine for the defendant, and H.C. Bowman, County Attorney for the State.

Sedgwick Township, Harvey County, Sect 6 & 7, 1902 Plat Map Atlas.

“Bad Blood”

“between Mr. Moulds’ son, John and Mr. David’s step-son, Taylor, bad blood has existed for some time. Just when the trouble began is difficult to learn, but neighbors have known for a long time . . .”

Trouble had been brewing between the two men for some time for unknown reasons. Gillespie lived on a farm with his mother and stepfather, Howard & Emily Gillespie David, across the road from the Moulds farm where John lived with his father Robert.

In February 1902, the bitterness between the two intensified and there were several incidents. Notably one involving a valentine. “Moulds received an ugly valentine which he supposed had been sent by Gillespie and Gillespie in turn received a caricature by mail.”

A second incident occurred three weeks before the shooting. Gillespie was involved in a fight in front of a Halstead business, “in which Moulds was badly worsted.”  Later that same night, John, with his brother Carl, “turned the tables on Gillespie” when they met on the road between Halstead and their homes. “After exchanging hot words indulged in a fight in which Gillespie was badly pounded about the face.” Gillespie reported the fight, but nothing was done as the sheriff had “some doubt as to just which one was the aggressor.” 

Nothing further happened until Friday night, April 18, 1902, after a program at the Kemper District School.

The next morning the county papers detailed the events of the conflict that almost cost and young man his life.

“Handy With A Gun”

“A shooting affray occurred at the closing exercises given in the Kemper District, four miles east of Halstead last Friday night and as a result, Taylor Gillespie has since been hovering between life and death from the effects of a bullet in the abdomen fired from a 32-caliber revolver by John Moulds.” (Halstead Independent. 17 April 1902)

Around midnight, Gillespie went to untie the horses in preparation to drive his parents home from the event. He went back to the front of the school to get his parents, where he met Moulds. Angry words and blows were exchanged. Moulds drew his revolver and struck Gillespie with it. Moulds went with his brother, Carl, back to the hitching posts. Witness reported that Gillespie then accosted Carl while the brothers were working with the horses. John was on the other side of the team and came around and confronted Gillespie.

Words were exchanged, Gillespie “quick as a flash . . . struck out and hit Moulds.” Moulds “without warning drew his pistol, and striking with his left hand, discharged the pistol with his right. Gillespie fell to the ground.”

Gillespie was “hastened to town after surgical assistance.” An examination by Drs. Hertzler and Huntberg revealed that the bullet “had made four holes through the large intestines. . . . Every possible attention was given to the injured man.” The bullet was never found.

John Moulds was arrested and was out on a $3,000 bond paid by his parents by April 17. The editor noted; “Moulds does not seem to realize the serious nature of his crime but has retained Branine & Branine to conduct the defense.”

John T. Moulds was charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill Taylor Gillespie.

Hardest Fought Criminal Case

The attorney for John Mould was Charles Bucher from the well-known Newton firm Branine & Branine.  Attorney H. C. Bowman, respected for his “gravity and acumen,” was the prosecutor.

The preliminary hearing has held on April 25, 1902 in Justice Hedges’ court. The nearly twenty-five people in the court room attended the trial “mostly out of curiosity.”

Also in the courtroom, with the defendant, were his parents Robert and Alice Moulds.

The reporter again observed that “Moulds did not seem to appreciate the enormity of the offence with which he is charged, although at times he appeared to be a trifle nervous.” (Evening Kansan Republican, 25 April 1902)

M. Howard David was the first witness called to speak on behalf of his stepson, Taylor Gillespie. He “gave a graphic description of the affair at the schoolhouse, although he did not see all of it.” Mr. David asserted that he was not more than three feet away when the actual shooting took place and saw Moulds’ left arm go up while discharging a pistol with his right hitting Gillespie.

He recounted how he rushed “up to the prostrate form of his step-son and asked if he had been shot. Gillespie replied that he had. David then picked up the wounded man and carried him to the nearest buggy. ” He intended to take Gillespie home but was forces to stop at the home of H.B. Steele, his stepson’s “condition having become so painful and dangerous that he dared not go farther. Doctors were summoned with haste.”

Sheriff Masters was the next witness, and he identified the Moulds’ pistol as an Ivers Johnson, caliber 32.  The final witness was Dr. A.E. Hertzler, one of the physicians called to care for Gillispie. He described the nature of the injuries caused by the bullet.

Judge Hedges decided to hold the defendant for trial at the May term under a bond of $3000 which was “immediately furnished by the father and mother of the defendant and the young man will enjoy his freedom while his trial is pending.”

Hot Fight Ahead


Evening Kansan Republican, 9 May 1902

The Trial Promises to be a Sensational One.

On May 15, the trial of John Moulds started. The Evening Kansan Republican reporter noted that “a large crowd was in attendance at the courthouse today . . .. The trial promises to be a sensational one and the attorneys on both sides have prepared for a stubborn fight.”  Forty-nine witnesses had been subpoenaed. County Attorney Bowman began the examination of witnesses. The cross examination for the defense was conducted by Charles Bucher. The reporter observed that it is “evident that the attorneys for Moulds will endeavor to prove that the shooting was done in self-defense.”

Large crowds were in attendance throughout the trial. The Newton High sophomore class attended the trial one day, and the next day the freshman class.

Moulds Is Acquitted

The attorneys concluded their arguments at noon on May 17 and the case was given to the jury. At 4:00 a verdict of “not guilty” was delivered.

“Thus ends one of the hardest fought criminal cases Harvey County has ever witnessed.” (Evening Newton Kansan, 17 May 1902)

Evening Kansan Republican, 17 May 1902

After the Trial

The David family, along with Taylor moved to Stafford, Kansas in July.

Taylor Gillespie went on to be an engineer with the Union Pacific Railroad. He married twice and was survived by his second wife, Mabel L. Gillespie. He died on Julie 24, 1954 at St. Mary’s Hospital in Kansas City MO, and is buried in the Highland Park Cemetery, Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas.

John Moulds married Mittie David Boggs Mould on February 16, 1904. He continued farming for many years and later worked as a supervisor of the federal works program in Harvey County. He died September 24, 1962 and is buried in the Halstead Cemetery.


  • Burrton Graphic: 18 April 1902.
  • Newton Daily Republican: 28 October 1889.
  • Newton Daily Kansan: 05 December 1890 (C.E. Branine. Branine went on to be a judge for the 9th District.)
  • Newton Daily Herald: 25 February 1896, 10 April 1908.
  • Newton Journal: 22 April 1904, 10 April 1908, 5 February 1909, 23 April 1909, 20 August 1909, 12 November 1909, 18 February 1910, 26 August 1921, 18 August 1922, 25 August 1922.
  • Newton Kansan: 11 April 1902, 11 July 1958, 24 September 1962.
  • Evening Kansan Republican:11 October 1901, 12 April 1902, 14 April 1902, 18 April 1902, 24 April 1902, 25 April 1902,  7 May 1902, 9 May 1902, 14 May 1902,  15 May 1902,  16 May 1902,  17 May 1902, 6 June 1902, 2 October 1902, 31 December 1902, 12 February 1903, 18 February 1904, 6 May 1904,  5 April 1905, 15 March 1907,  3 March 1912.
  • Halstead Independent: 17 April 1902, 14 May 1902, 2 July 1902, 30 May 1912.
  • Sedgwick Pantagraph: 25 February 1902, 18 February 1904, 25 October 1906, 26 December 1907, 6 June 1912.
  • Stafford Courier: 24 January 1907, 13 June 1907.
  • U.S. Census: 1880, 1900, 1930.
  • Harvey County Historical Museum & Archives, Marriage Certificate Collection. Martin H. David and Enna Jane Gillispie,12 October 1892.
  • Harvey County Plat Map, 1902.
  • Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 11 October 2022), memorial page for Taylor Logan Gillespie (9 Dec 1882–19 Jul 1954), Find a Grave Memorial ID 103943889, citing Highland Park Cemetery, Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas, USA; Maintained by Find_family 2 (contributor 47608506) .