What is it?

What is it? Answer



The Collapsible Drinking Cup

Did you or do you still use a collapsible drinking cup?

This is  one is aluminum with no markings, but often the lid had a design on it.

Collapsible telescopic cups have been a handy thing to have when traveling or camping since the late 1800s. The first collapsible telescopic “pocket” cup was invented by John Lines of Waterbury, Connecticut, for Scovill Manufacturing Company of Waterbury, Connecticut, U.S. Patent No. 577,764 issued on February 23, 1897.  https://www.collectorsweekly.com/stories/118969-travel-folding-cup-with-case

#finditfriday Where is it?

It is always more fun if you try and find the object before you check the answer. For those far away, we know that is not possible, so check out the answer below.


Did you find the the small metal decoration, or maybe a gate, at the beginning of the sidewalk to enter the Newton City Building?


The building at the southeast corner of 5th & Oak was constructed in 1923 at the office building for the Santa Fe.  The small metal gate at the beginning of the front sidewalk with the Santa Fe logo is a reminder of the past use. Today it is Newton City Hall.

Santa Fe Division Office Building, 1923 at 5th $ Oak.

Check out L.M. Hurley’s book, Newton, Kansas #1 Santa Fe Rail Hub 1871-1971 for more details about the years that the Santa Fe was central to Newton Ks.


Do you know where this beautiful counter is located?


Note: All #finditfriday places are on public property, a business that is open to the public or is easily visible from the street. Please do NOT go on private property.  This is strictly a fun way to observe the little quirks and neat little touches throughout the county.


Did you recognize the interior of the Walton State Bank?