Harvey County Main Streets 4

During mid-1930s, this community enjoyed an oil boom.  Any ideas?

Burrton, Ks


The city of Burrton was laid off in the summer by Arkansas Valley Town Company along the mainline of the A.T. &S.F. Railroad. The first building was a blacksmith shop operated by A.W. Ballard. A Post Office was opened in July and by fall the new town had two general stores.


Burrton Mills, a three story frame structure with three runs of buhrs and a forty horse power engine, was opened.  The Mill burned in 1889.


September 3—Burrton incorporated as a third class city. W.H. Kinney was elected mayor.

November 2-The Burrton Telephone was established.


May 20-first issue of the Burrton Monitor, G. Vanderveer, editor.

Burrton Public Schools, 1915. The building with the tower was constructed in approximately 1885.


The Harvey House in Burrton was destroyed by fire.


November 11-Fire destroys the east side of Burrton’s Main Street.

Burrton Bank with the Opera House located on the second floor, 1910. Destroyed by fire in 1926.


Burrton Opera House was destroyed by fire.  The building also housed a furniture store, barber shop, telephone and real estate offices.

Burrton Bank & Opera House destroyed by fire, 1926.


Olsen Oil Co. drilled first oil well, M.B.Blake No. 1, west of the Burrton Grocery store.


Oil boom in Burrton with the peak year in 1934.  During this time over 1,000 people arrived in Burrton to take advantage of the  work and money to be made.

Aerial view of the Empire Oil & Refining Co., Burrton field, June 24, 1936

Phillips Service Station, Hwy 50, 1947.


March 13 – a F-5 tornado took the life of 6 year old Lucas Fisher before continuing through the center of Harvey County and on into Marion County.



Harvey County Main Streets 3

This Harvey County town started in a different location with a different name and is home to one of 2 colleges in Harvey County.

Hesston, Ks


The community of Elivon was abandoned in favor of a site 3 miles south when the Missouri  Pacific Railroad laid tracks. The new town of  Hesston was  named for an early settler A.L. Hess.

Green Gables, Hesston College Campus, 1940


The Mennonite Church choose Hesston as the site for their “school in the West.” Hesston Academy later  became Hesston College, a two year liberal arts college. In 2009, the school celebrated a century of educating young people.

Hesston, Ks. 1915. Looking southeast. Scan courtesy Jim Brower.


Hesston incorporated as a 3rd class city.

Hesston, Ks 1920.


Hesston Corporation was established by Adin Holdeman, Elmer Berner, and Lyle Yost. By 1955, “the Corp” was a leading manufacturer of hay implements. Bought by AGCO in the 1990s,  the company remains an important employer in Harvey County.


Showalter Villa Retirement Center opens.


Excel Industries began producing cabs for combines and later focused production efforts on the “Hustler Mower.”

Hesston Unified School District #460 established and a high school was constructed at 100 N. Ridge Road.  Today, this building is the Middle School. The current high school was constructed in 1970.


Dyck Arboretum of the Plains established.


March 13, 1990 a F-5 tornado tore through the center of town.



Finding Family: 5 Free Genealogy sites for Harvey County

The recently shared list of 50 Free Genealogy Sites (see Saturday’s Facebook post) inspired us to compile our own list specific for Harvey County.

1. HCHM Archives

The Archives at HCHM is an excellent place to start. Did your ancestor get married in Harvey County? Click on the buttons to search by Groom or Bride for marriage licenses. Were they a Civil War Veteran? The Civil War Pension Collection is also searchable on line. We are also happy to answer questions.

2. Harvey County Genealogical Society


The site includes a data base of south central Kansas obituaries. 


3. Mennonite Library & Archives, Bethel College, N. Newton.


Index to obituaries with local history information that goes beyond Mennonite circles.


4. Kansas Digital Newspapers

Many of the early Harvey County newspapers are available on-line through the Kansas Historical Society to Kansas residents for free. From the link below, click on KS Resident Access and enter your driver’s license.  


5. Newton Public Library 

The Digital Newton, Kansas site features a searchable obituary index for Newton, Kansas newspapers beginning 22 August 1872. 
